
4 years old to 5 years old

This 4 to 5 year old room supports more advanced learning styles while still having fun. Children in the class are learning sight words, counting up through 50, simple addition and subtraction, knowing and identifying colors, shapes, writing upper and lowercase words, telling stories with pictures and words, using their large motor skills while outside and during movement time, as well as developing their social skills.

Ratio in the class is 1 teacher to every 10 children with a maximum of 20 children.

We are here to make your child's first school experience a happy one! We do this with fun games, songs, art projects, learning centers, math projects, a fun language program, and endless letter fun. All projects are designed to teach the children in a fun way through the process of learning by doing


Early Learners

Sign up for 3 or 5 days per week between the hours of 8:30am-12:00 Noon. This does include snack and lunch.

Above and Beyond

Sign up for 3 or 5 days per week for up to 9 hours. This will include two snacks and lunch.

Extended Care

If you need more than 9 hours per day please talk to the staff about additional pricing.